UNTIL JANUARY 31st all our Theatrical firearms safety courses have been advertised with £50 off! Act fast to beat the price increase!
UNTIL JANUARY 31st all our Theatrical firearms safety courses have been advertised with £50 off! Act fast to beat the price increase!
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Our one day level one course develops your on screen safety skills focussing on basic firearm safety principles including loading unloading firing positions and solo movement drills. We also discuss moving around doorways all invaluable for a career in TV and film where firearms maybe used (Imitation training firearms are used at all times). Our goal is to allow you to safely develop your skills and character portrayals bringing a realistic representation to a variety of different roles whilst adhering to strict safety aspects and mitigating risk. We can accommodate up to 10 people at a time this allows lots of time for repetition in order develop the principles taught.
The courses are outdoors all day so please dress appropriately to the weather unless there are extreme weather conditions, the show will go on. We can offer some costumes if pre arranged to add authenticity for any filming that takes place by Onpoint staff and we will make available holsters and imitation firearms etc. Course hours can be flexible due to time of year but as a rough guide courses will start prompt at 10am and go through to 4pm during winter months.
We have links to local B&B's and group bookings may receive a a discount if booked together in advance.